Customer testimonials

Logiciel de gestion de laboratoire indépendant LIMS
Mickaël Freyermuth

“The initial problem was to facilitate our planning of interventions as well as our spare parts inventory management. We chose AQ Manager’s Full Web CMMS, because it is a solution that perfectly meets all our expectations in terms of maintenance and safety”


“The initial problem was to ensure the traceability of our teams’ services. Previously, the follow-up was done on paper: each cleaning agent had to indicate by hand his time of passage and his interventions. The objective was to facilitate this follow-up, especially for sensitive sectors such as the pharmaceutical industry”

They talk about their experience with AQ Manager

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Bonduelle Group

Interview with M. Christopher CAVORY IT project manager at Bonduelle Group Founded back in 1853,…

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Interview with Mr. Yves DE PUYDT CEO Based in Provence, the company Tescan is an…

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