
AQ Manager includes a customisable workflow solution that allows you to manage an unlimited number of processes related to the activity of your maintenance department.
These can, for example, manage the steps :

From creation to validation and transformation into a work order.

From creation, through validation steps and planning of your internal teams and subcontractors.

From the moment the service is taken over, through the checking of the report by the service providers, the various validation stages, the sending of a satisfaction questionnaire, and the archiving of the interventions in order to update the history.

From the validation of your automatic order proposals, through the price request stages, the different stages of validation of your orders, sending to suppliers by email, stock receipts, supplier evaluations and reconciliation with supplier invoices and credit notes.

From the creation of your customer quotes, sending them by email, receiving customer orders, validating them and transforming them into work orders, to invoicing the work.

Personne qui utilise l'application Mobile GMAO pour la maintenance des équipements

The steps in these workflows are customisable for your project and organisation.

They allow you to determine the rights of users to sign and validate each step, to define automatic email sequences to request validation from the persons concerned or to inform them of the progress.

These steps allow alarms to be managed in relation to validation processing times that are not respected. And each stage can be associated with automatic document editing (a work order, a supplier purchase order, a customer estimate, etc.).

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